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The biggest problem that we face when winter comes along is the struggle to keep warm. Too often you find yourself waking up cold, going through the day cold and then getting into bed cold! Icy toes and fingers can make winter a nightmare, instead of enjoying a new season of beauty and joy. However, there are some tips and tricks you might’ve not known about. Therefore, read on to learn The Mattress Warehouse’s top tips to stay warm this winter, both at night and during the day.
winter can start feeling very unproductive when the cold prevents you from performing day to day tasks. Here are 8 good ways to keep warm during the day so you can continue getting things done:
The obvious first step to warm up is to make sure that you are clothed in sufficient warm clothes. The reality is that you lose heat from any exposed surface of your skin, so go the extra mile to prevent that.
Thermal underwear is also a Big Yes when it comes to layering in winter! Furthermore, hypothermia is likely to start in your extremities, so make sure to keep your hands and feet as toasty as possible!
Layers insulate your body and regulate your core temperature. Starting the day feeling warm and cosy is essential, and, lucky for you, layers are in fashion!
It’s easier to change your body temperate than it is to change the outside temperature. Therefore, drinking warm drinks and eating hot foods (like soup) is an excellent way to add a little warmth to your body.
Warm and delicious comfort food is not only lovely to have, but also useful for the colder winter days!
This tip seems counter-intuitive; isn’t a fan supposed to cool you off?
The theory behind it lies in the fact that warm air rises. In other words, the warm air rises to the ceiling and then gets swirled around and distributed back down by the ceiling fan. A ceiling fan can, therefore, be a handy tool to help circulate the warmer air throughout the room.
Keeping the warmth inside the house includes keeping out the cold from outside. Block any open gaps that could let cold air into your home. You can manage this with anything; blankets, towels, or even pool noodles!
Finally, just like you can benefit from wearing thick layers to act as insulators, so can your windows. Purchase thick curtains for winter to insulate your windows and keep the cold air out. Just make sure to open your windows when the sun is out to let the warmth in.
Having a scheduled thermostat to keep the temperature in your house constant can change the winter game.
This will not only keep you warm, but it will also prevent your pipes from bursting if it gets too cold.
Baking not only provides a lovely way to pass the time, as well as resulting in some comfort food, but it also can provide a way to warm up your house.
The heat that radiates from your oven when you bake can heat up the whole kitchen, and provide you with some toasty, warm air. Furthermore, if you open the oven after taking out your fresh batch of cookies, the warm air can be released into the room.
Cooking can also contribute to this effect, so make sure to use the stove as much as possible.
Warning: do not leave any electrical appliances on without supervision, as this can be a fire hazard.
Being active in winter can help increase the blood flow in your body and raise your temperature. Not to mention that it has countless other health benefits.
Being active does not necessarily mean spending hours at the gym; however, be mindful of doing small things like taking the stairs and keeping up with some housework.
While drinking might make your body feel warm, alcohol actually decreases your body temperature.
It is, therefore, advised to stay away from alcohol as much as possible in the colder months; have some tea or coffee instead!
Sometimes sleeping in winter can seem quite daunting, but we can give you tips on making winter sleeping a breeze! The Mattress Warehouse has got you covered during winter. We offer a wide range of winter bedroom accessories and beds for sale. Furthermore, here are our top 6 tips for sleeping better in winter:
Your body temperature fluctuates during the day but drops pretty consistently when you go to sleep. This temperature drop triggers the release of Melatonin (your sleep hormone). Maintaining the right temperature in your room when you go to bed helps facilitate this process.
At night, you benefit the most from cool, but not too cold, temperatures in your room. The ideal temperature is between 15 and 19 degrees Celcius, and you should avoid anything below 12 degrees or above 24 degrees.
Cold Temperatures Make You Sleep Better.
The perfect temperature for sleep varies slightly from person to person, so you have to find the ideal temperature for you and set your thermostat to keep that temperature constant.
While most people feel more lethargic during the colder months, research shows that you don’t need more sleep than in summer.
Here are 3 reasons why you might be feeling more tired, and solutions to combat these feelings:
To read more about How the Change In Season Affects Your Sleep, click here.
As discussed, while cold temperatures are useful for stimulating sleep, the freezing temperatures you experience outside at night can cause the exact opposite.
That being said, if you take all the necessary precautions of staying warm and sleeping in a tent where you can somewhat regulate the temperatures, sleeping outside is possible.
Considering cooler temperatures are better for sleep, winter is the ideal time for good quality sleep!
Therefore, while a lot of parts of your day might suffer under the cold temperatures, rest assured, because sleep is not one of them.
Not only does a warm shower or bath feel like heaven and help you stay warm after a long, cold day, but it can also help you sleep better.
Since your body needs a drop in core temperature to sleep, heating up your body can speed up the process. Your body will inevitably lose a lot of the heat gained from a warm shower pretty rapidly, allowing you to fall asleep more easily.
With winter comes dry air, which can dry out your skin and cause a sore nose and throat. This problem can be solved by purchasing a humidifier.
Furthermore, the humidity could make the air feel warmer.
While the urge to sleep in or to take a nap throughout the day might be echoing inside your head, try to ignore it.
Since our body does not need more sleep during the winter, oversleeping might make it difficult for you to fall and stay asleep at night.
The Mattress Warehouse has some of the best beds for sale, which provide all the warmth you need for sleeping well in winter. Shop online for all your winter needs.
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