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Why Genessi Beds and Mattresses?

Author imageThe Mattress Warehouse

Genessi beds reduces the need to turn around to find a comfortable position up to 80% .

Genessi is also:

  • Supportive- allows natural alignment of the spine
  • No Pressure-no pushing on the pressure point ensuring comfort
  • Durable -high density foams & durable sleeping surfaces
  • Hygienic-Vita-Premium Protection against mosquitoes, bedbugs, dust mites and bacteria
  • No Movement Transfer-disturbance free sleep
  • No Noise – Foam mattresses with no steel parts inside

Genessi does not only have supportive beds , they also have their own range of pillows:

  • Genessi memory foam pillows in normal and contour shape
  • These pillows have a 5 year guarantee.

Genessi has a wide range of beds including

The Mattress Warehouse delivers Genessi beds all over South Africa

Beds Pretoria and Beds Johannesburg customers are welcome at our Midrand showroom.

Genessi beds for sale Cape Town.

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