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There are fortunately numerous ways to encourage one’s body into deep and regular sleep even while travelling on a potentially uncomfortable and exhausting flight. The most straightforward way is to succumb to a deep drug-induced state by taking a sleeping tablet. The problem that many people have is that most of these have detrimental side effects beyond the awful drowsiness that they may experience the next day.
 Healthier options tend to assist in that they provide immediate comfort as well as establishing and maintaining a good sleep routine. Additionally, there are no short or long-term side effects to disturb the quality of the rest of your trip. There are several easy to obtain items that encourage the body to fall into a lovely deep slumber. When using them individually, they promote better sleep and combining them increases their efficiency. What is important to remember is that the goal is to shield your senses from outside stimuli, including your mental chatter.
 Sleeping Aids to use during travelling
 Sleep sound systems are intricate designs whose sole purpose is to ensure you sleep long and deep wherever you may be. They include a timer and up to eighteen different sounds. Amongst these are white noise, jet lag reduction sound and the various sounds of nature. Fall asleep to the pitter patter of soft rain or a gentle breeze blowing through the trees. The sounds simultaneously soothe the mind and block out moderate extraneous noises. Their designs ensure that they are perfectly compact for easy packing. They are extremely easy to use. Merely plugin with the softest of earphones and look forward to hours of absolute serenity. Regardless of whether or not you sleep for a full eight hours, your trip will be a peaceful one. There is an excellent value in ending a trip if you are feeling mentally rested.
 The other option is to purchase a pair of noise cancelling earplugs. There are many varieties on the market. These include the incredibly soft and malleable types that you can shape to fit your ear. Moreover, if they adequately protect the ears of musicians during concerts, they must work for you while you sit in substantially quieter surroundings.
 Although it is generally a simple matter of closing your eyes to enable a peaceful repose this is not quite the case when travelling. During travel, the environment is filled with lights brightly shining and the movements of others directly in your line of vision. Falling asleep under these circumstances is more challenging for most people. You will want to obtain a product that ensures your eyes are wrapped in darkness regardless of the concentration of environmental light. This where you usher in the practicalities and comforts of the sleep mask. Choices range from simple, soft, blackout sleep masks to those that wrap around doubling up as an instant pillow. Other alternatives include those that cool or warm the eyes depending on your personal preference.
 With the eyes peacefully closed in darkness we move on to the importance of a suitable pillow. In addition to comfort-based concerns, it is more hygienic to have something between your head and the headrest. Furthermore, the pillow you have access to in economy seating is usually not supportive enough to ensure hours of absolute serenity. A well-designed cushion provides instant comfort whether you are travelling by bus, plane or train. Once again there is a plethora of choice available to you. Select one made of memory foam or something more firm. There are those that wrap securely around the back and sides of your neck and others that are long and elongated for greater adjustability. Either way, you are assured of a considerably more comfortable trip.
 In addition to all the above, melatonin tablets can make all the difference between sleeping long and thick or merely resting. Using melatonin conjures up an image of the simple matter of carrying a few pills in your purse. However, it is not as straightforward as ingesting one little pill before you find yourself in dreamland for the duration of the flight. Melatonin builds up in the system over time and is, therefore, most beneficial to take in minute quantities for the entire week before you travel. Unexpectedly, breaking a single tablet up into five to ten tiny bits and making one of these pieces every night shortly before bed appears to be the most effective approach. Minimal doses like these should not do you any harm, and they gently nudge your body into a naturally healthy sleep routine. The quality of sleep you get improves gradually every night.
In this way, you can continue to take it during your trip as well as after arriving back home until you return to a unique sleep-wake pattern. You will not be disrupting the production of your body’s natural melatonin nor will you be negatively impacting your inner clock otherwise known as your circadian rhythm.
 We often neglect our sense of smell when travelling. Different aromas and scents trigger matching responses in the brain. They can be either stimulating, calming or purely delectable. For this reason, it is ideal to utilise a few drops of essential oil. A bit of lavender is lovely if you are not prone to low blood pressure and the deepening scent of chamomile is soothing to everyone. Do not apply them directly to your skin. Place a few drops onto the outside of your sleep mask and let the divine aroma lull you into a state of delicious tranquillity.
More ways to ensure good sleep while travelling
Wear loose-fitting clothing top to toe except around your calves. To improve circulation during travel, wear knee high socks specially designed for this purpose. These are available at most pharmacies. To assist flow further, remove your shoes and place your feet in a way that promotes good posture for the duration of your trip. Adjust your position several times until it is time to disembark. Comfort is key.
To be sure of a comfortable digestive system, eat lightly and avoid heavy dishes high in animal products or fat. Besides, remaining well-hydrated is just as essential to both immediate ease and long-term health. When you are adequately hydrated, your body is more peaceful. The blood is at a proper PH, and it soothes the cells instead of aggravating them as an acidic medium would. Drink only water during both the twelve hours before your trip as well as while travelling. Do the same for the first twelve hours after a flight.
Having as little stimulus as possible is essential. To filter out blue light you can wear orange tinted glasses for the hours before it is time to go to sleep. The design is such that it prevents the suppression of melatonin production even if you are in a brightly lit environment. It is best to avoid using your laptop or phone for at least an hour before you wish to be asleep. Do not watch television either. The best routine is to watch your relaxing movie of choice before you eat dinner. After dinner, wash up and then read a few pages of a soothing novel while listening to calming music before you enter dreamland. In general, this is a good practice to establish a sleep routine. Keep your sleep routine uniform throughout your travels as much as possible.
Finally, pick a quiet spot. It may not necessarily be the one with the most legroom. Do some research on your chosen mode of transport and make your decision as to seat preference accordingly. Book it well in advance if you can.
Upon arrival at your destination slip as seamlessly as you can into the new time zone. You will accomplish this most efficiently and quickly by following a healthy sleep pattern from the moment you arrive at your lodgings regardless of how you may feel at the time. Set a more relaxed schedule for the first few days after travelling to help with jetlag.
 How to cope with jetlag
Jetlag is classified as a temporary sleep disorder. This condition entails disrupted sleep patterns and exhaustion even at the beginning of the day. Jetlag is common after a long trip across time zones. The truth is that jetlag can also be experienced after a fitful night on a bus or train. The reason for this malady is that your body is suffering from a disruption to its circadian rhythm. The CR is the internal clock that predicts the time when you are ready to wake or sleep, and it has to reset to the new time zone.
Consequently, it can be difficult to concentrate on work or enjoy the first few days of your holiday if your schedule is too intense. Applying the strategies which encourage sleep on the aeroplane or bus, will make a significant impact on how you feel when you arrive at your destination. Continuing with an excellent sleep-inducing routine during your trip will decrease both the degree and duration of any jetlag you might experience.
Travelling can be made far more enjoyable by applying the methods of excellent hydration and good bedtime habits with extra assistance from the many sleep aids available. The effects of jet lag are simultaneously reduced and the rest of your holiday can begin sooner rather than later.
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