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Top-quality mattresses are pricey, so being reluctant to replace your mattress is understandable. However, maintaining your health depends mainly on the quality of your sleep. Having a clean, supportive mattress is vital if you want to sleep well.
We spend one-third of our lives sleeping, fulfilling the body’s need for restoration. Sleep quality and quantity govern every aspect of life from cellular renewal to brain function. Investing in a quality mattress can help you live a long, healthy life. Read through the guidelines below, then assess the condition of your mattress to check whether or not it needs replacing.
Firstly, purchasing a new mattress is not a once in a lifetime expense. You will need to replace your mattress more than half a dozen times during your adult life. Knowing when to replace your bed can save you many months of discomfort, lost sleep and long-term medical fees.
The Better Sleep Council advises replacing mattresses every five to seven years. Truthfully, the lifespan of your mattress depends on more than age. External factors such as daily care, rotation and sleeper-weight, make a difference. Furthermore, some mattresses need replacing sooner than others.
Sleeping more deeply in other people’s beds regularly signals a problem. The implications are that your bed is lacking sufficient comfort or structural support. Your mattress may not be too old; you may have neglected to take proper care of your bed. Determine the cause of your inability to sleep well at home. Checking for lumps in your mattress is one way to do this. These mainly occur as a result of spills that were not attended to. Messes that you leave on your mattress, seep in, beginning to breakdown the foam. Replacing your mattress is your only recourse
How many people use the mattress you sleep on? Do you sleep with your pets or children? Additional bodies mean more sweat, odours and other bodily wastes find their way into the mattress foam. These waste products accelerate the degradation of the foam, as well as other materials inside the mattress. Mattresses that have to contend with numerous sleepers need replacement sooner than those single people use. Furthermore, mattress surfaces that become uneven as a result of the filling breaking down need replacement.
Mattress components that contend with heavier weights wear more rapidly. Have you added a partner to your bed since you purchased your mattress? How long did you use it before that? Mattresses that were already five years old before you got married most likely need replacement within a year or two at most. The more weight your mattress has to contend with, the quicker the bed wears. Replacement becomes imperative sooner rather than later. Moreover, a clear indentation of your body in the area that you sleep, is a clear sign of a mattress that is overdue for replacement.
Conversely, if you have lost significant amounts of weight, your old mattress might be too firm for you. Are you experiencing discomfort on pressure points after weight loss? You may be experiencing symptoms that indicate the need to replace your mattress. Purchase a softer mattress that suits your new body type.
Sufficient space to sleep in can make an enormous difference to how well you sleep. Perhaps you were previously single, content with a double or queen size bed. Consider purchasing a bigger bed for yourself, your new partner will be delighted. Particularly if you feel a bit hemmed-in while sleeping. Sleep quality affects all areas of life. Being able to stretch out is a necessity, not a luxury. Replacing your mattress with a kingsize mattress may be exactly what you need.
Interestingly, people are not always aware of how their body feels during the night. Over time, many adjust to being uncomfortable, no longer noticing discomforts. Pay particular attention to the state of your body when you wake. Regularly waking stiff or in pain may be the signal that you ought to buy a new mattress.
Additionally, frequently waking up tired in the morning for no apparent reason may also indicate that your mattress is at fault. Acquiring a new mattress may be your only option.
Constantly needing to move around during the night suggests that your body is uncomfortable. Your mattress may be losing the ability to provide adequate support or comfort. Costs of medications and physio treatments are high, as is the need to take time off from work. In the long run, the charge for a new mattress will be less costly than keeping the old one.
Another sign that indicates you ought to obtain a new mattress is experiencing pain on pressure points while laying in bed. Extended periods of aggravation on contact points can lead to chronic inflammatory issues. Getting a new mattress will provide the solution to your health issues.
Mattresses that sag when you get onto them are old. Replace your mattress as soon as possible if you are sinking into the foam. Adequate, comfortable support for your body is the reason why you have a mattress. Putting up with a substantially less than perfect foundation to sleep on, is detrimental to your health.
Dust mites are microscopic creatures that feed on the skin flakes in your bedding. Their faeces trigger allergic reactions of various kinds. Furthermore, everyone perspires during sleep. Many people sweat up to one hundred and seventeen litres per annum during sleep. Mattresses provide the moist environments that fungus and other bacteria love. Your warm mattress may be supplying them with the ideal home.
Allergic reactions to these growths plus their wastes result when people neglect cleaning their mattresses. Increases in allergies or other respiratory issues at night may demonstrate the need to deep clean your mattress. However, if you experience no change in allergies after cleaning, replace your mattress. The filling of your mattress may be too degraded to adequately deep clean. Consequently, unwanted guests are breeding happily, planning to stay.
Bedbugs have flat bodies five to seven millimetres in length. They look similar to small ticks that feed by sucking blood. Their favourite environments include the upholstery of unsanitary beds or couches. Unfortunately, they are almost impossible to eradicate without using intensive, dangerous chemical processes. Additionally, treatments may be pricey enough to spur you into a new purchase. Signs that you are suffering from a bedbug infestation include red itchy dots on your skin in the morning. In addition, you may find minuscule spots of blood on your bedding. Beds with bed bugs must go before they spread!
Excessive creaking when you sit on the bed or turn over at night is a sure sign that a new mattress is due. Springs that are old lose their resiliency. However, check that the creak comes from the mattress, not the base. Replacing a box spring costs far less than a new mattress.
Another detail to pay attention to is the quality of your current mattress. Quality mattresses are more durable. Cheaper ranges have shorter lifespans. Inexpensive mattresses can require replacement after only a few years, particularly if you have a partner that shares your bed. To ensure your investment lasts, replace cheap mattresses with better quality ones for longer mattress life.
Your double bed is going to look out of place in an especially spacious bedroom. Unless you plan to fill the space with a couch, consider purchasing a new mattress. Replace the old bed with a larger version that is a credit to your new home.
For a variety of reasons, many people hold on to their old beds for as long as possible. However, the disadvantages of keeping the old one far outweigh the advantages of buying a new mattress. Knowing precisely when to replace your mattress is vital to making an informed decision that benefits you.
For more information about our special offers and quality mattresses visit The Mattress Warehouse Online store.
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