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Guest bedroom beds

Author imageThe Mattress Warehouse

The simple question to ask… How long would you like your visitors to stay..?

AO Boeard 1 - proof 1


Buying a guest bedroom bed might be quite a challenge.  You definitely do not want to break the bank for a very expensive bed that might be slept on once or twice a year.

Things to consider before buying a bed that will not be slept on regularly are:

How many times will that bed be used?

What is the average weight of your guests?

Do you want mom-in-law to stay forever or just the weekend…?

Most importantly.. what can you afford?

All the brands that we can supply you with have beds that are suitable for guest bedrooms and your budget. Genessi Superior rest bed, Cloud Nine Classic bed, Universe Bedding Venus bed, Classic Plush bed, Rest Assured Matrix Geo bed are just examples of each brand that will be suitable for a guest bedroom.

Why don’t you give us a call and we’ll assist you in making the best choice for you.

Phone The Mattress Warehouse today at 0861007000

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