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With Valentine’s day just around the corner, most romantic couples are dreaming up novel ideas with which to surprise their partner. The usual things like champagne and chocolate or a romantic night out are definitely at the top of most people’s list. However, starting the 14th of February off beautifully is as essential as ending it off with the perfect amount of romantic flair. Plan ahead to create a beautiful Valentine’s Day bedroom!
Scientifically, the right setting becomes a backdrop to a matching experience. It takes less than 10 seconds for the brain to respond to a change in environment. Brainwaves almost instantly shift gear and guide unconscious and conscious thinking accordingly. Emotions play out in alignment with these particular thoughts. As a result related words and actions follow. Consequently, the environment has an enormous role to play in the quality of experience.
The entire week is a time of fun and excitement for true romantics at heart that spends time planning and preparing. Create a short list of the items you will require for your romantic bedroom and conceal these unique objects until you need them. Depending on your budget and space, things to shop for could additionally include a beautiful water feature. These come in many different sizes. Starting from very large for outdoors to little fountains of gently tinkling streams for compact areas. Water is calming and may be precisely what your lover needs to get into the right emotional state after a busy day at work.
Rich red sandalwood or rose-scented candles contribute to perfect ambience on the night. With an ample budget at your disposal, you can obtain sheets and pillowcases with just the right amount of scarlet for a sensual touch. As an alternative for the more creative soul, acquire a small bottle of fabric paint and add some colour. An uncomplicated design which includes a few loops and twirls is best. Keep in mind that a hint of colour is often more effective than applying excessive amounts.
Implement an uncluttered theme to ensure your unique innovations stand out. Beauty is often in the pure simplicity of a layout. A few principal objects or adjustments can transform an ordinary bedroom into a veritable boudoir.
Just before Valentine’s ensure the room is spotless from top to toe. A place that is clear of clutter and dust makes for calmer brain waves. Vacuum and wash the floor. Pay attention to corners, shelves and under the bed. Change all the bedding. Slipping between clean sheets is an exquisite feeling and a deliciously sensual experience even on your own. Wash and iron any new linen before use for softness and freshness. If your week is hectic then it would most likely be best to do the cleaning sometime over the weekend before D day. Conserve your energy on the 13th and 14th to ensure you are full of joy de Vivre. Be prepared for a superbly lonely and extended night whether your plans include going out or staying at home.
On Valentine’s morning, with the bedroom as shiny as a new pin, it is time to develop the stage further. Encouraging twenty-four hours of heightened romance takes less effort than you may think. Merely a few thoughtful adjustments will get soft brain waves flowing, and all will evolve naturally. Schedule a little extra time to facilitate relaxation. An ability to be present and indulge at the moment lends a sense of expansiveness to the entire experience.
Wake forty minutes earlier or skip your workout. While your partner is still safely slumbering between the sheets tiptoe to the kitchen. Prepare a simple yet delectable breakfast. Aromatic coffee and a few warm croissants or a glass of top quality orange juice and some succulent fruit are all you need. Add a pretty little vase with one gorgeous red rose and yourself in a flimsy negligee or smart boxer shorts. With these simple additions, you create Valentine’s morning that will bring a sparkle to your beloved’s eyes.
Enter the bedroom with your better half’s favourite romantic music mysteriously streaming gently from your hidden phone. Ensuring that all the senses are involved in the experience turns a little breakfast together into an all-embracing event overflowing with romantic abundance.
Assuming you both work during the day, slip a little romantic surprise into your sweetheart’s handbag or briefcase. Small gifts such as one delectably wrapped chocolate or a big, juicy red apple covered with pretty paper for the more health conscious are ideal. Accompany the treat with a short letter of appreciation of all that you love most about your one and only.
Just before your lover finishes for the day, send another message to return her focus towards the evening ahead subtly. Arrange to be home more than thirty minutes earlier to transform your ordinary bedroom into a veritable boudoir and to restore yourself to your freshest version.
First on the list are the fresh rose petals on the bed which you spread over the fresh or new bedding. A light sprinkling is more than sufficient. Place a lighter next to the candle for natural lighting at bedtime. Pop the red tinted globe into your bedside lamp or hang fairy lights for unmatched mood lighting. Play your favourite romantic music compellation on repeat and allow it to softly fill your home all night long.
Drape a divine piece of fabric creating more elaborate curtaining or a dreamy canopy for a more romantic feel. Muslin, lace, tulle, and chiffon are delightfully light and airy providing a whimsical feel. Silks and satins impart warmth and luxury for a chillier valentine. For those blessed with a fireplace, use it at the slightest hint of cooler or rainy weather. Open windows wide creating sufficient airflow to keep the room cool enough. Flawless romanticism must include a fire in the grate if at all possible. Keep the light and candle for later on when you are both in the room. Add a tray with champagne flutes and an ice bucket.
Dim lights throughout your home are imperative to encouraging a calm and peaceful atmosphere. At the entrance, you will want to guide the footsteps of your better half to where you want them to tread. Place a tall, cold glass of something in the entrance hall for a welcome refreshment. Sprinkle some rose petals in the shape of an arrow to the shower for a strong hint or merely take your only by the hand to the bubble bath you prepared for her. Candles, music and bubbles to indulge in together are exactly what gets those brainwaves flowing the way you want them to.
Perhaps you have both decided eating at home is romance in a gift box. In this case, wear that gorgeous little number she (or he) loves. Check over the ingredient list one more time to make sure you have everything. There are many items on a menu that experts claim will add romance-enhancing nutrients to a relationship. Chocolate, nuts and champagne are just a few and do not take any time to prepare. Another advantage is that they can be eaten at leisure in the bedroom.
There are not many activities that can compare with sharing foods, you both love. Feeding one another deliciously sweet, succulent grapes and delectable morsels of garlic focaccia is both romantic and fun. A decorative tray on the bed and a bunch of fancy napkins will protect your bedding from crumbs and chocolatey fingers. Eating together before the fireplace on a pile of cushions that you drape with fabric to match your canopy is a heavenly vision. Alternatively, surround your pile of pillows and fabric with a dozen tealights on coloured saucers.
A veranda leading off the bedroom makes for a single night under the stars. Use a portable mattress and make it extremely inviting with an abundance of bedding. Alternatively, employ just a few white pillows and a sheet or two for sublime simplicity. Surround the mattress with tea lights, and you have a scene from your own greatest romance movie of all time.
Several days after Valentine’s is when the demands of the outside world can begin to take precedence once again. Although love and romance should ideally be part of your every day, life does get busy. People can become distracted by the many things that require their attention. Valentine’s night is an excellent opportunity to revive romance longterm. Keeping a touch of romance in your bedroom post-Valentine’s will keep the flame of your relationship glowing brightly. Candles and some romantic music with an occasional special meal shared in bed keep your relationship alive and well. Occasionally sleeping on the veranda under the stars for a night with tea lights glowing is a great way to end the work week. Always keep in mind that atmosphere is of enormous importance. It is a powerful tool whether in the boardroom or the bedroom, and the brain will respond accordingly.
February is the month of love. Be sure to check the Mattress Warehouse site for special offers on various beds and mattresses!
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