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Get a good nights sleep!

Author imageThe Mattress Warehouse

Did you realize that more than half of your life is spent in bed?

You use your bed more than any other piece of furniture in your house.

Clearly, for this reason, you should ensure that you buy a bed that is supportive and comfortable.

Simmons Backcare

At The Mattress Warehouse we have a wide range of beds to choose from including:

You can also choose between  :

Did you know that a mattress can double in weight over 10 years due to dust that has gathered inside of it!! to ensure that your mattress stays clean and healthy- use a mattress protector . We stock a wide range of mattress protectors that are also waterproof.

Visit our web page today at www.mynewbed.co.za and purchase online (Our on line shop is open 24/7.) or give us a call on 0861 007 000 and one of our sale reps will help you.

Do not  be one of the of the people who go to the doctor, due to sleep problems! Get a good night sleep tonight!!

You can now pay with you credit card after we delivered your new bed.


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