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The three best smartphone apps to help you up-and-at-em are here and we couldn’t be more tickled to share them with you.
If you purchased your bed from us, we totally understand the pain of having to leave it every morning. But, because we’re committed to preserving your happiness, we’ve scoured the web to find at least three of the most genius apps out there to help you get on your way and earn your bacon.
With smartphone’s at nearly everyone’s disposal, developers are getting more creative on apps to help you manage your time, your effort and your life. Several apps are free, but even the one’s with pricetags can be worth the investment.
Without further ado… five apps to help wake you up before you go-go.
At number 3: The get up and do something app
This app requires you to perform an activity before it can switch off its alarm. The upside is that once you perform the task, you’re unlikely to crawl back into bed for just five more minutes. The downside is that the frustration level with the app is high and the activities (like turning in a circle twice) are likely to leave you agitated.
Our advice if you cannot get up in the morning is to go to bed early at night. Something’s got to give and you should make adjustments in other areas of your life to get you the rest you deserve. That includes getting a bed that is a perfect match for you.
Research shows that our levels of productivity and happiness exponentially increase if we start off our morning rested, calm and on time.
At number 2: Let’s talk about it
Ah, I actually love this app because it involves a community of sleepy ‘five-more-minute’ wakers that share the same problem. The developers at Wakie have you sign up for an account and then allow their community of users to give you a wake up call that lasts only 60 seconds.
You can set your wake up time and hey presto! Someone will call you for free. I suppose the part I love the most is that this app introduces you to new people and lets you share a minute of your life with someone you ordinarily would not.
I give it two thumbs up!
At number 1: Subliminally speaking
Scientists have proven that many parts of the brain actually stay awake while our body sleeps. These parts of the brain monitor our environment using our senses and respond accordingly. And that’s why this app is genius. Sleep Cycle has developed a system that adjusts the light of your phone’s screen or quiet-to-loud music to help enter your brain and gently ease you out of sleep.
It’s hella better than being shocked out of being fed grapes on a white puffy cloud and the overall effect it has on your body is tangible. When you’re suddenly woken up, adrenaline surges in your body and as the levels normalise, coming down can make you feel extremely exhausted.
Of course, when you visit us, you’ll be treated a whole host of dreamy advice that will leave you falling asleep in no time and keeping you refreshed for the morning.
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