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Just like items such as light bulbs, and batteries in the remote, we tend to not pay a lot of attention to our mattress until they start giving us problems. But having either a mattress that is not suited for your body or a mattress that is too old can be extremely harmful and can have a major effect on most areas of your life, it could even have you feeling stressed and moody. Let’s have a look at a few of the effects of having either an old worn out mattress or the wrong mattress for your body.
Why should you have the perfect mattress? We have 15 reasons why you should be carefully thinking about your next mattress before you spend.
1 Getting a Good Night Sleep
We sleep away about a third of our life which means that if you do not get a good night’s sleep it will most definitely have a negative effect. Life is already difficult enough with proper sleep. Ever woken up irritated, stressed out and feeling like you haven’t slept in days? This can partially be blamed on sleeping on a mattress that is not designed for your body. Sleeping plays such an important role in preserving our bodies and minds. When you sleep your muscles relax and are able to recuperate, especially if you visit a gym on a daily basis.
When your mind winds down and allows endorphins, which your body needs to repair areas that have been damaged throughout the day, to be released. Endorphins that bring balance to blood and sugar levels and basically just reset your body so that you can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face a new day. Sleeping on a mattress not suited for you will cause your brain to focus more on assisting your body to fall into a deep sleep instead of recharging your entire body making you feel tired every morning. Just like all cell phone, laptop, tablets etc. we also need to recharge ourselves. We have two methods that we use to recharge and that is with the food we eat and of course sleep.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.Benjamin Franklin
2 Reduce stress and depression
Stress is, sad to say, currently a part of daily life for most adults and teens all over the world. Everyone deals with stress or depression in their own way, some make use of exercise as it helps to release the stress that has accumulated in the body during the course of the day as well as to clear the mind but this form of controlling your stress or depression only works up to a point. We resort to this form of release as you need to have a clear head to be able to handle all of the situations that are creating the stress. Exercise is not only suitable for stress release but also to counter depression as your brain provides endorphins that take you out of the state of depression once you exercise.
However, you can exercise for an hour on a daily basis and still not feel the benefits because you do not have a balance between exercising and sleep. Sleep and exercise go hand in hand, they work together like peanut butter and jelly. One cannot prosper without the other. If you do not get a good night’s sleep because you do not have the correct mattress for your body type, your body won’t be able to properly repair the muscles that you work on that day and won’t be able to distribute the endorphins accurately because it is too busy trying to help you fall into a deep sleep.
The body needs rest to be able to function properly, and the same goes for the brain. If you do not have a balance between these two factors then your stress and depression levels will continue to rise and once that happens it will start to cloud your judgment. You do not necessarily have to exercise like a body builder in training to reduce the stress and depression levels, you merely need a good night’s rest. You can also look at investing in a good food plan. If you wake up tired and unrested you will not be able to have a fresh outlook on the issues that have been pushing you making everything seem hopeless.
3 Supports your body
You only have one body and taking care of it should be one of your biggest priorities. When it is being abused by not being properly looked after and fully rested it can lead to major problems. Our bodies are very fragile and need a lot of assistance to sustain its fuel and keep you going. Getting a good night’s rest is part of the process to preserve, maintain and fuel our bodies.
Having the proper support for your spine is exceptionally important.
If you have a mattress that is not supporting your body in different ways, such as being too soft or being too hard, too short leaving your feet to hang off at the end, or if it is making you toss and turn all night giving your body unnecessary pain, you are interrupting your body’s method of the “personally taking care” process.
Your mattress has to support your entire body, from head to toe. By having the perfect mattress suited for your body you will ensure that you provide the perfect support for your body to stay healthy and functional. A strong and decent mattress can truly change your life. Just like we all need a bit of support every now and then, so do our bodies.
4 Reduce tossing and turning all night long
There are a lot of things that can deprive you of a good night sleep, things like stress, the medical condition called restless legs or pain in your body from exercising a bit too hard. But the biggest evil of them all is tossing and turning the entire night because of a mattress that is lumpy and worn out. An old mattress is filled with bumps and dents caused by your body lying in around about the same position, making it very uneven and truly impossible for your body to lay in a position that will not disturb your night’s sleep. Every moment you sleep restlessly you force your entire brain to only focus on getting your body to work harder to get you to settle down and relax completely. The results, in turn, are that tossing and turning all night will have a tremendous effect on your daily life and personal life.
5 Increase your concentration and memory
A good night’s sleep does more than just recuperate your body and soul it recuperates your entire mind. Your brain is the most important organ and it has needs such as a good night’s rest to recharge. A rested mind is a more focused mind. Good sleep will increase your ability to concentrate which in return will make you more productive. Concentration is essential when you want to perform your best. Concentration helps you when it comes to the kids and their routines. You will also be able to much better recall most of your memories and store new memories perfectly in your mind. Choosing the mattress that does not support your body will have an immense effect, resulting in your mind constantly being in a state of exhaustion.
6 Back pain increased
Can there be anything more annoying than back pain? Maybe. But if you are already struggling with pain, the last thing you want is for it to get worse.
One of our main body parts that I think most of us take for granted is our spines. We assume that it will always work perfectly until you go to sleep on the wrong mattress. The last thing you want is to wake in the morning and need help to get out of bed because your back hurts so much from sleeping on a mattress that has not supported your back. Your back controls 80% of your body’s overall movement. So it is understandable that having back pain can stop you dead in your tracks, in some cases much worse than a headache can. By sleeping on the wrong mattress every night that pain will only get worse.
Make sure you purchase the best-suited mattress, the one that is right for your body. Try all them out, shop around for your pocket as well as your back and ask your in-store mattress specialist about each of them and which one is the best chose for your body. If you have an existing back problem first contact your spine specialist and get his/her opinion on what is available in the market. Always remember you need to be able to sleep on the mattress for quite a couple of years and just like you would do your homework when purchasing anything such as a car or a house you have to do the same with a mattress as it is an investment. Give your back a break, give it a quality mattress.
7 Irritation in your Lungs and Throat
Dust mites are no myth. They thrive on the dead skin and body oils that you shed while you sleep. While we have been able to co-exist with dust mites for a very long time, those who suffer from asthma & allergies could be facing a big problem. If your mattress is old and full of lumps you can be certain that dust mites are present. Dust mites can cause quite a stir , making your nose run throughout the night, making your eyes water, creating a constant dripping in your throat, and they can induce coughing fits. By regularly replacing your mattress as it is indicated on your warranty and using the instructions provided on when to turn your mattress when purchasing it you will be helping your family to stay healthy.
Did you know that the feeling you experience when you are half asleep and suddenly jerk awake is known as hypnic jerks?
8 Weakening your immune system
Sleep plays such a huge role in our lives without us even knowing or realizing it. If you do not get a decent night’s rest you not only disturb your ability to concentrate by placing a strain on your brain, but you are also weakening your entire immune system. By not giving your system the proper rest that it requires to be refreshed after every day you unknowingly make your body work harder and eventually this will start to weaken and break down. A good night’s rest is your body, mind, and immune systems reset button. A weakened immune system has a lot of consequences. One of those consequences will be that your metabolism will be affected as you will start to pick up weight, your concentration will also be affected,your system will not digest properly, your mood will take a turn for the worse and the end result is that your health will suffer. Having a good nights rest every night can ensure that your immune system supports your body rather than fight it.
A weakened immune system has a lot of consequences. One of those consequences will be that your metabolism will be affected as you will start to pick up weight, your concentration will also be affected,your system will not digest properly, your mood will take a turn for the worse and the end result is that your health will suffer. Having a good nights rest every night can ensure that your immune system supports your body rather than fight it.
9 Heart Condition Developing
On average, the human body requires at least eight hours of sleep for all its cardiovascular systems to be properly rested and rejuvenated. If your sleeping pattern is constantly interrupted by tossing and turning because of back pain or a lumpy mattress, it interrupts your entire body’s ability to restore all of your cardiovascular functions that make it possible for you to feel fresh in the morning. The consequences of not having a good night’s sleep is a long-term effect as it affects muscles such as your heart. Short sleepers are prone to have a larger risk of cardiovascular diseases because the cardiovascular system is mostly constructed of muscles that work extremely hard during the day and require some downtime.
The consequences of not having a good night’s sleep is a long-term effect as it affects muscles such as your heart. Short sleepers are prone to have a larger risk of cardiovascular diseases because the cardiovascular system is mostly constructed of muscles that work extremely hard during the day and require some downtime. If you have a mattress that interrupts your sleep then it is time to consider getting a new one. By giving yourself a great mattress that supports not only your back and your muscle system but also your organs and especially your heart then you have taken a huge step towards ensuring that you get a good night’s rest.
10 Aging
Want to keep your skin looking young and smooth? Want to stay healthy and feel good? The benefits of sleeping on the right mattress are nearly endless!
No one likes to grow old and we tend to look for all possible solutions such as pills and creams to counter this but why not look at your mattress? Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the best medicines for keeping your skin, eyes, and body looking and feeling healthy. If you have a mattress that is damaging your sleep and your body’s processes to rejuvenate and revitalise itself naturally you are causing your skin to grow older quicker. The body is a powerful machine but it needs to be looked after with proper rest to stop you from ageing fast. By having a lumpy, worn out old mattress you are intentionally depriving your hormones of the opportunity to assist your skin in looking young and vibrant. We all know that ageing does catch up with us as we get older but does it really have to show that quickly? Speak to you mattress specialists and get yourself a brand new mattress and give yourself a proper night’s sleep.
The body is a powerful machine but it needs to be looked after with proper rest to stop you from ageing fast. By having a lumpy, worn out old mattress you are intentionally depriving your hormones of the opportunity to assist your skin in looking young and vibrant. We all know that ageing does catch up with us as we get older but does it really have to show that quickly? Speak to you mattress specialists and get yourself a brand new mattress and give yourself a proper night’s sleep.
By having a lumpy, worn out old mattress you are intentionally depriving your hormones of the opportunity to assist your skin in looking young and vibrant. We all know that ageing does catch up with us as we get older but does it really have to show that quickly? Speak to you mattress specialists and get yourself a brand new mattress and give yourself a proper night’s sleep.
11 Sore Joints
Part of rolling around the entire night means that you constantly bend and twist your joints forcing them to work hard. Your joints are important as it gives you mobility just like your back does. Being able to move around is so important as we all have to get to and from work every day, we have to be able to play with our children and pets, meet up with friends and family for lunch and picnics and in some cases even get onto a stage to perform or dance. Doing all of these things will be possible but so much harder if we constantly have sore joints all over which constantly affect our movements. Why do you wake up with sore joints? Because your mattress is worn out causing you to roll around all night attempting to find a suitable sleeping position.
Doing all of these things will be possible but so much harder if we constantly have sore joints all over which constantly affect our movements. Why do you wake up with sore joints? Because your mattress is worn out causing you to roll around all night attempting to find a suitable sleeping position.
12 Lowering your libido
Every couple needs intimacy to make their relationship work. If you have an old mattress that is constantly depriving you of sleep or a new one that is not suited to your body’s requirements your libido will most definitely be affected. There is so much going on in your life already with work and family that not getting a good night sleep will make all of it seem so much more to handle causing your body to start stressing up, suppressing your libido, and as a result affecting your relationship. By having a mattress that supports your body, you will find that it can improve your handling of all situations and even eliminate stress giving your libido the opportunity to return.
3 Insomnia
Insomnia is the medical term for constant lack of sleep or a lack of quality sleep. There are numerous factors that can cause insomnia such as working on your tablet/phone or laptop before you go to sleep, not having a set sleeping time, consuming alcohol to help you to fall asleep or misjudging the amount of caffeine you consume on a daily basis as well as an array of emotional and hormonal issues. If you have taken into account all these factors and have changed your routines yet find that you are still not sleeping, drastic measures such as changing your mattress might be needed. Your mattress can have an immense impact on your sleeping pattern. Trading in your old mattress for your new one that is customised to suit your body is a big step into a good night’s rest. Insomnia can be countered with a good mattress.
14 Body Pain
If you are already suffering from back injuries, hip injuries or pain, in general, you have to look after yourself by getting a mattress that will support your body and heal with time. Drinking pain medications shouldn’t be considered a remedy. Remember that sleep can heal you, so those old injuries will get their dose of healing power when you get some shut eye.
A relaxed boy and a happier mind are just two transformations you can enjoy with a new mattress. So are you ready to be a new you?
15 Be a Better you
We all want to be a better person. We all want to wake up feeling and looking great, without pain, without sinus issues, and without headaches. We should all want to stand up when the alarm goes off and not snooze the alarm a few times before struggling to get out of the bed. Purchasing a mattress that will support your body weight and build will ensure that your body has good rest before dawn breaks. With the correct pillows together with your mattress, your sleep is going to be even more amazing. With your stress levels being lower with good sleep and your hormones helping you out you will have the possibility of being a better you.
These are merely some of the reasons why having a good mattress is so important. But let’s recap…
We sleep a third of our lives and just like our jobs everyday it has to be done properly so that it can reduce stress and depression, not just for yourself but all your loved ones around you, give your body the required support, reduce your tossing and turning, increase your memory and daily concentration, stop the weakening of your immune system, ensure heart disease doesn’t develop, slow down the aging process, prevent sore joints, take care of your libido, cure insomnia, prevent back pain and become a better person.
Looking for that high-quality mattress? The Mattress Warehouse is one of the industry leaders when it comes to great beds at great prices. Contact us today, pay us a visit at our factory shop or buy online and The Mattress Warehouse is one of the industry leaders when it comes to great beds at great prices. Contact us today, pay us a visit at our factory shop or buy online and start taking your sleep seriously instead of taking it for granted.
-This blog was written by guest author Vasti Lourens
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