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Payment Providers

You can use any of these trusted payment options when making a purchase on our beds, mattresses and bedroom accessories from The Mattress Warehouse.

We take customer service seriously. That’s why we offer several secure options for online payment. 100 night in-home comfort trial. Speedy delivery is guaranteed, and free to all major city hubs.

Credit Card
All major credit and debit cards accepted.
Instant EFT
Manual Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). Choosing this option allows you to purchase and manually transfer to the Mattress Warehouse banking account. Find our banking details on your order confirmation email that will be sent to you.
Ozow, making online payments easy, convenient & secure. Shop online using Ozow and pay online in seconds
Scan to Pay, underpinned by Masterpass technology is a safe and convenient way to pay for goods and services by scanning a QR code.
Pay for your shopping in 3 x Zero fees, Zero interest payments.
Receive your purchase today and pay later! PayJustNow enables you to pay for your purchase over 3 equal, zero interest installments.
Checkout with Payflex and pay only 25% of the purchase price today and pay the rest over 6 weeks at no additional cost (zero fees, zero interest*).
Pay with Float
Pay in up to 3 monthly instalments using your existing credit card. Zero interest. Zero fees. Zero new debt.
The Mattress Warehouse Accounts by FeverTree
Pay up to 24 monthly instalments with a credit account.
