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Baby Mattresses

A baby mattress is an important item as this will play an important role in your baby’s early development. The Mattress Warehouse stocks the best baby mattresses and accessories, that are guaranteed to provide your newborn with all the support and comfort that a growing baby needs.
Baby Mattresses



What Factors to Consider When Buying a Baby Mattress

  • Look for a firm cot mattress – because babies are growing their tiny bodies require as much support as possible.
  • Buy a mattress cover that fits the mattress, a mattress cover will help protect the mattress.
  • Only consider a baby mattress that is eco-friendly and hasn’t been treated with toxic chemicals that may harm the baby.
  • Does the mattress comply with SABS safety standards?
  • What type of baby cot do you need the mattress for, many people opt for a camp cot which requires a different size foam mattress.
  • Does the mattress have easy breathing holes for your baby?
  • It makes sense to buy a quality cot especially if you intend using it for more than one baby, it’s fairly easy to replace the cot mattress as a foam mattress is affordable.
  • Ideally, you don’t want to hand a mattress down to siblings as a typical cot mattress comes in for a fair amount of soiling and will need to be replaced unless you are in a position to steam-clean the mattress.

What Are Baby Mattresses Made From?

Spring or foam – a spring mattress typically will have a longer lifespan, so if you want to use the mattress for a few years then a spring mattress is a better option. Foam is more affordable and also makes for easier linen changes as it weighs less than a spring mattress. Most people generally use a foam mattress as they replace the cot mattress with a spring mattress as the baby grows up and progresses to a bed.

What Other Accessories Should You Buy With a Baby Mattress?

Typically you will want to think about the following items when buying a baby mattress:

  • A Cot or a crib
  • A mattress cover – important to protect the mattress.
  • Bedding that fits the baby’s cot is another important purchase consideration, not only is this important for your baby’s comfort it also helps with the baby’s bedroom styling and theme.
  • A baby changing station is an important item of furniture in any baby room. They typically come with storage for diapers and other accessories like creams and baby powder.
  • A feeding chair is another nice feature for those night feeds.
  • Storage units for the baby room are also a good investment – you will require storage for nappies, baby clothes and accessories. You should also not forget about storage for baby toys – your baby may be small but they come with a lot of accessories that require a fair amount of storage.
  • If you plan on taking your baby with you on holidays then a camp cot is another essential item of baby furniture. Ideally, these need to be easy to set-up and take down and typically come standard with a carry bag.
